Friday, January 22, 2010

#463 Where is it?

Now here is a Where Is It? quiz for all you blog readers and twitter readers of IthacaDailyPhoto that I think is pretty tough. Unless, of course, you walk this path daily - in which case I would like to ask you to keep your mouth shut. Solutions are accepted in the comments below or on Twitter @jonemo or @cojofra.


GeekGuyAndy said...

I don't remember seeing a stone wall there, but those railings remind me of Cascadilla Park Road.

Conscious Zombie said...

I like your "Where Is It?" quizzes. Though I don't walk that path every day, I am fairly certain that the first comment above is correct---your picture was taken on the path on the north side of Cascadilla Creek gorge.

jonemo said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, you are both correct. The picture is taken on the path above the closed gorge next to Cascadilla Park Road.

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